;"Satyr Building & Movement Module Help" ;"4/10/2020" ;"Jon S. " ;"http://centaur.pw | https://bzap.org" ;"Adds an index and help topics to $mod_help for the Building & Movement Module." ;"NOTE: The Online Help Module must be installed prior to using this script." ;"There is no need to modify this script." @prop $mod_help build_index 0 ;$mod_help.build_index = player:readlines() BUILDING & MOVEMENT MODULE INDEX -------------------------------- north|south|east|west|northeast|northwest|southeast|southwest|up|down n|s|e|w|ne|nw|se|sw|u|d [use '@help movement'] @look [object] @selfdesc @build @mkexit @rmexit @rdesc @desc . @prop $mod_help movement 0 ;$mod_help.("movement") = player:readlines() north|south|east|west|northeast|northwest|southeast|southwest|up|down n|s|e|w|ne|nw|se|sw|u|d Move through an exit to another room. . @prop $mod_help @look 0 ;$mod_help.("@look") = player:readlines() @look [object] By itself, shows the contents of a room, including users, objects and exits. . @prop $mod_help @selfdesc 0 ;$mod_help.("@selfdesc") = player:readlines() @selfdesc Set your description. . @prop $mod_help @build 0 ;$mod_help.("@build") = player:readlines() @build Create a new room. . @prop $mod_help @mkexit 0 ;$mod_help.("@mkexit") = player:readlines() @mkexit Create an exit in the room to another room. This automatically creates a return exit in pointing to the opposite of . The room object must exist before the exit is created. . @prop $mod_help @rmexit 0 ;$mod_help.("@rmexit") = player:readlines() @rmexit Remove an exit in the room. This will not delete the object pointed to. . @prop $mod_help @rdesc 0 ;$mod_help.("@rdesc") = player:readlines() @rdesc Set the description of the current room. This affects the .desc property of that room. . @prop $mod_help @desc 0 ;$mod_help.("@desc") = player:readlines() @desc Set the description of an object. This affects the .lookdesc property of that object. .