;"Satyr Disk Access Module Help" ;"4/10/2020" ;"Jon S. " ;"http://centaur.pw | https://bzap.org" ;"Adds an index and help topics to $mod_help for the Disk Access Module." ;"NOTE: The Online Help Module must be installed prior to using this script." ;"There is no need to modify this script." @prop $mod_help disk_index 0 ;$mod_help.disk_index = player:readlines() DISK ACCESS MODULE INDEX ------------------------ @mkfile [path] @read [path] @nread [path] @write [path] @append [path] @insert [path] @rmline [path] @ls [path] @cd [path] @pwd @cp [path] [path] @rename [path] @mkdir [path] @rmdir [path] @rm [path] @chmod [path] [new-mode-number] @sh . @prop $mod_help @mkfile 0 ;$mod_help.("@mkfile") = player:readlines() @mkfile [path] Create a blank file. . @prop $mod_help @read 0 ;$mod_help.("@read") = player:readlines() @read [path] Display the contents of a file. . @prop $mod_help @nread 0 ;$mod_help.("@nread") = player:readlines() @nread [path] Display the contents of a file and include line numbers. . @prop $mod_help @write 0 ;$mod_help.("@write") = player:readlines() @write [path] Prompt user for a block of text to write to a file. If it does not exist, create it first. Warning: This overwrites the contents of a file if it already exists. . @prop $mod_help @append 0 ;$mod_help.("@append") = player:readlines() @append [path] Prompt user for a block of text to add to the end of a file. If it does not exist, create it first. This command will not overwrite the contents of a file if it already exists. . @prop $mod_help @insert 0 ;$mod_help.("@insert") = player:readlines() @insert [path] Prompt user for a block of text to insert into a file before the line number given. . @prop $mod_help @rmline 0 ;$mod_help.("@rmline") = player:readlines() @rmline [path] Delete a given line number from a file. . @prop $mod_help @ls 0 ;$mod_help.("@ls") = player:readlines() @ls [path] List all files and directories in the current working directory, unless [path] is provided. File sizes are listed for each file. . @prop $mod_help @cd 0 ;$mod_help.("@cd") = player:readlines() @cd [path] Change current working directory to [path]. Change current working directory to / if [path] is not provided. . @prop $mod_help @pwd 0 ;$mod_help.("@pwd") = player:readlines() @pwd Display the current working directory. . @prop $mod_help @cp 0 ;$mod_help.("@cp") = player:readlines() @cp [path] [path] Create a copy of a file in the same directory if the second [path] is not provided. To copy a file to another directory, all path and file arguments must be provided. . @prop $mod_help @rename 0 ;$mod_help.("@rename") = player:readlines() @rename [path] Rename a file or directory. . @prop $mod_help @mkdir 0 ;$mod_help.("@mkdir") = player:readlines() @mkdir [path] Create a directory. . @prop $mod_help @rmdir 0 ;$mod_help.("@rmdir") = player:readlines() @rmdir [path] Delete a directory, only if it is empty. If $server_options.confirm_delete is TRUE (1), prompts for confirmation first. . @prop $mod_help @rm 0 ;$mod_help.("@rm") = player:readlines() @rm [path] Delete a file. If $server_options.confirm_delete is TRUE (1), prompts for confirmation first. . @prop $mod_help @chmod 0 ;$mod_help.("@chmod") = player:readlines() @chmod [path] [new-mode-number] Change file permissions to the new mode number provided. Note: A string expression cannot be entered for the mode number. . @prop $mod_help @sh 0 ;$mod_help.("@sh") = player:readlines() @sh Run a shell command as root and display the output, if any. Does not work on Windows systems by default. Warning: Do not run full-screen programs or programs that require keyboard input. .