;"Satyr Editor Interface Module Help" ;"4/10/2020" ;"Jon S. " ;"http://centaur.pw | https://bzap.org" ;"Adds an index and help topics to $mod_help for the Editor Interface Module." ;"NOTE: The Online Help Module must be installed prior to using this script." ;"There is no need to modify this script." @prop $mod_help editor_index 0 ;$mod_help.editor_index = player:readlines() EDITOR INTERFACE MODULE INDEX ----------------------------- '@help editing' contains useful information for working with the Editor. @editverb @editprop @editfile [path] @eclose @save @autoview @view @nview @ins @d @exit . @prop $mod_help editing 0 ;$mod_help.("editing") = player:readlines() Entering a line that does not begin with '@' in the Editor will cause that line to be appended to the verb/property/file currently loaded. Commands beginning with '@edit' are to be used outside of the Editor; you are automatically moved to the Editor when opening a verb, property, or file for editing. The others will only work within the Editor. Before leaving the Editor or disconnecting from the server, always use @eclose to close your session. Only one user may be in the Editor at a time, and only one session may be active at a time. It is best to enter and exit the Editor with the described commands rather than using @move. Moving out of the Editor without using @eclose and @exit will cause any open session to remain open. . @prop $mod_help @editverb 0 ;$mod_help.("@editverb") = player:readlines() @editverb Open a verb in the Editor and move into it. . @prop $mod_help @editprop 0 ;$mod_help.("@editprop") = player:readlines() @editprop Open a property composed of strings in the Editor and move into it. Only list-type properties composed of strings can be opened. . @prop $mod_help @editfile 0 ;$mod_help.("@editfile") = player:readlines() @editfile [path] Open a disk file in the Editor and move into it. . @prop $mod_help @eclose 0 ;$mod_help.("@eclose") = player:readlines() @eclose Close the currently open verb/property/file. This must be done before exiting the Editor or disconnecting from the server. . @prop $mod_help @save 0 ;$mod_help.("@save") = player:readlines() @save Save the currently open verb/property/file. . @prop $mod_help @autoview 0 ;$mod_help.("@autoview") = player:readlines() @autoview Turn auto-view on or off. Autoview will display the Editor's contents when loading or making a change to the currently open verb/property/file. . @prop $mod_help @view 0 ;$mod_help.("@view") = player:readlines() @view Display the contents of the currently open verb/property/file. . @prop $mod_help @nview 0 ;$mod_help.("@nview") = player:readlines() @nview Display the contents of the currently open verb/property/file with line numbers. . @prop $mod_help @ins 0 ;$mod_help.("@ins") = player:readlines() @ins Insert before in the currently open verb/property/file. Line numbers are displayed if auto-view is on, or can be viewed with @nview. . @prop $mod_help @d 0 ;$mod_help.("@d") = player:readlines() @d Delete in the currently open verb/property/file. . @prop $mod_help @exit 0 ;$mod_help.("@exit") = player:readlines() @exit Exit the Editor. Any open verb/property/file must first be closed with @eclose. .