;"Satyr Network Interface Module Help" ;"4/10/2020" ;"Jon S. " ;"http://centaur.pw | https://bzap.org" ;"Adds an index and help topics to $mod_help for the Network Interface Module." ;"NOTE: The Online Help Module must be installed prior to using this script." ;"There is no need to modify this script." @prop $mod_help network_index 0 ;$mod_help.network_index = player:readlines() NETWORK INTERFACE MODULE INDEX ------------------------------ @open @net [input-line] @close . @prop $mod_help @open 0 ;$mod_help.("@open") = player:readlines() @open Initiate a connection and hold its output until @net is entered. Note: An object number pointing to this connection is stored in the .open_connection property of the user who entered it, and the user may only have one active connection at a time. . @prop $mod_help @net 0 ;$mod_help.("@net") = player:readlines() @net [input-line] Without [input-line]: Display output from remote connection (if any). With [input-line]: Send [input-line] to the remote connection, then displays the resulting output (if any). . @prop $mod_help @close 0 ;$mod_help.("@close") = player:readlines() @close Terminate an active connection and reset the user's .open_connection property to #-1. .