SATYR BINARY CONVERSION MODULE GUIDE Jon S. April 5, 2020 | INSTALLATION Before installing this module, change the #11 shown in the first two lines to the result of: ;toobj(toint(max_object()) + 1) To install, paste the full text of mod_bin.v to the server while logged in as an administrator. ABOUT THIS GUIDE Binary Conversion Module - This module includes commands and functions for converting strings to binary bit sequences and vice versa. Only characters which can be entered on a US keyboard can be interpreted (except Tab). Required arguments are enclosed in arrow brackets <>. Optional arguments are enclosed in square brackets []. [path] does not require / as the first character, but can be used in the middle of a string. File and directory names are case-sensitive. A space must be placed between a path and a file name. Wildcard characters such as * and ? cannot be used. ABOUT MODULES Module objects may be placed in a list-type property on a user object, $user.modules New server commands can be added to a module object as opposed to $admin and $user. Administrators can set modules for all and/or individual users. If the module is not found in a user's .modules property, the verbs on it will not work for that user. COMMANDS @dstrbin Convert a string to a bit sequence; each byte is delimited by a space. @strbin Convert a string to a bit sequence with no delimiters. @binstr Convert a bit sequence string to human-readable characters. @listbin Prompt for text, then convert each line to a bit sequence with no delimiters. @binlist Prompt for non-delimited bit sequences, then convert each line to human-readable characters. @filebin [path] [path] Read text from a file, then output bit sequences with no delimiters to another file. @binfile [path] [path] Read bit sequences from a file, then output characters to another file. FUNCTIONS $mod_bin:strbin(str , str [delimiter]) Returns a bit sequence as converted from . If [delimiter] is provided, it must be a single character. $mod_bin:binstr(str ) Returns a string as converted from . No delimiters can be used in . $fromlist(@) Returns a string as converted from with no delimiters.